During Lent it is advisable to do without. So that it is easier for you to do without this time,…

Forest run. Means: Experience nature. You should definitely try it out. Increases endurance, reduces stress and more. You can find…

As soon as I wrote the article about the Muscle Up Challenge, I was wondering if this was really a…

Yes, you read that right. I’ve come up with a wedding workout that you can integrate into your training plan…

If you like to be outside in the fresh air and enjoy exercise, you should also try cycling in winter.…

Hey, it’s getting warmer again and your clothes are getting thinner. In a few weeks the outdoor pools will open…

Gaining muscle mass is a science in itself. That is why it has its own name in sports science: hypertrophy…

Running training for beginners is learned quickly. Running is actually one of the easiest sports of all. Which is the…

If you train with your own body weight, you need good training methods to make your workouts effective. Supersets are…

More than 30 weeks have passed in the Freeletics Coach and almost a year has passed. And I’m fitter than…