Forest run. Means: Experience nature. You should definitely try it out. Increases endurance, reduces stress and more. You can find…

As soon as I wrote the article about the Muscle Up Challenge, I was wondering if this was really a…

If you like to be outside in the fresh air and enjoy exercise, you should also try cycling in winter.…

Hey, it’s getting warmer again and your clothes are getting thinner. In a few weeks the outdoor pools will open…

If you have pain in your joints, the fun of sport naturally decreases. Even so, you should keep moving on.…

The range of functional underwear is huge. Several manufacturers and labels offer a wide variety of qualities in a wide…

The history of my Anti-Weicker Challenge Weicker is a compound word from Weizen and Zucker. It should help you remember…

The primary aim of training is to make progress. Your workouts can also be fun. And how. This in turn…

10,000 steps and thus incorporating enough exercise in everyday life can be really difficult. But not anymore: Find out why…