Running training for beginners: how to start and stick with it

October 17, 2020 by No Comments

Running training for beginners is learned quickly. Running is actually one of the easiest sports of all.

Which is the reason why more and more people start with the determination to become a runner.

Unfortunately, not all of them manage to stay tuned in the long run. This can be due to typical beginner mistakes.

Avoid these mistakes, start right and become a runner. This article will help you.

Your decision is made. You finally want to get sportier. Go fitter through everyday life. Have you decided to run?

Very good decision.

Running is easy to learn and can also be easily integrated into your everyday life.

But how do you become a runner now?

Don’t wait, start

Your decision is made. So start too. Don’t say: I’ll go tomorrow, I’ll go running next week.That is the first principle.

Start now and don’t put it off any longer. Take some sports shoes and sportswear and go out with you.

Running three times a week will work wonders and you’ll be a runner in 12 weeks.

Your beginner plan

At the beginning, also set a walking / running program.

  • Week 1:
    3 x fast walking for 20 minutes each
  • Week 2:
    3 x fast walking for 30 minutes each
  • Week 3:
    5x 2 minutes slow running every 2 minutes walking break
    4x 3 minutes slow running per 2 minutes walk break
    5x 2 minutes of slow running per 2 minutes walk break

Now you increase your slow running one minute more every week.

You do the whole thing without a heart rate monitor. You run slowly when you can still have a conversation while running.

So always go slowly, speed comes later.

Running training for beginners: 5 good tips

Don’t make the most common beginner mistakes

I admit I did them all. Really all. The typical beginner mistakes. Avoid these points on your way to becoming a runner:

  • Too fast
    The classic par excellence. It will start slowly and it may seem slow to you too. But remember, your body has to get used to the strain. So always keep it slow
  • Exercising too much
    You start running and are fully motivated. That’s a good thing, but also get your body used to a regular routine. Exercise 3 times a week is sufficient to develop your form.
  • Too little regeneration
    A very important training component. Your body must also be able to recover in order to become stronger. So treat yourself to the non-training days.

Your running style

Get used to a good running style right from the start.

Always stay relaxed when walking or running.

Hold your arms sideways and swing them in parallel while running. Keep your hands sideways and slightly open. Do not form a fist, otherwise you will cramp in the shoulder area.

Bring the hands forward opposite to the foot, i.e. left foot right hand. When moving your hand back, do not bring it behind your body, but only to the side. Try this out in front of the mirror, as soon as you can see a triangle, formed by your body and your arm, you have the right movement on it.

Your equipment

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to start running. You will probably still have sweatpants, a T-shirt or sweater and a rain jacket at home. A pair of comfortable sports shoes, too.

You don’t need more at the beginning. It all happens little by little when you realize how much fun running is for you.

If you do need running shoes, please go to a specialist shop and get advice. You don’t buy running shoes in the discounter, and certainly not just in passing.

Take your time, discuss what you are planning with the seller. Have a treadmill analysis done so that you can see whether you need special shoes. And very important, it is not the color that decides but your feeling when you run. (We recommend to athletes turanabol kaufen) Take the shoe that fits you best and with which you have the best walking experience.

Bring movement into your everyday life

Integrate movement into your everyday life. Elevator, escalator you do without it from now on and take the stairs easily.

Driving to the bakery? Come on, you can walk the few meters.

Also use your bike often. It’s fun and also trains many other important muscle groups that you as a runner otherwise neglect.

Your motivation

It won’t always be easy to go running.

Mach es einfach. Dann wird aus Motivation Gewohnheit und du kannst leichter dranbleiben!
Motivation comes from within, you want to run and get fitter. Set yourself this goal consciously and also use the power of visualization. Imagine what it will be like when you can finally run for 30 minutes at a time. How will you feel Take a mental journey into the future and save this feeling. And should things not go so well, bring this thought, this feeling back out of your memories and motivate yourself.But you have a goal. And only you can motivate yourself.

If you don’t feel like it at all, make a deal with yourself. Go out to exercise and start . The deal is, if you still don’t enjoy it, you make a point to go home after 5 minutes. I’ll bet you once you get started you’ll see it through.

Use your environment as motivation for yourself. Just tell your friends and acquaintances what you plan to do. A little pressure has never hurt. You don’t want to answer no to the question “Well still running”, do you?

Facebook is also such a thing if you want to venture into public with your project. There are extra Facebook groups for beginners. This is where people exchange, motivate and talk about running.

There is a new beginning in every end: 12 weeks have passed and now?

After 12 weeks and the first 30 minutes of running, it is time to set new goals. The first thing you should do is build on your slow runs a little each week. For a week 3 times 33 minutes, then 3 x 36 minutes and soon you’ll be running for 40 minutes at a time.

Now your path can point in different directions. Either you start and train so that you can run 5 kilometers faster in a row. Or you train for your first 10 kilometers. There are training plans for both goals.

Listen to your heart

From now on it should be used: A heart rate monitor.

Because most training plans that are suitable for your next goal use the pulse zones to ensure optimal training control.

You will find these pulse zones in your training plan. Depending on the provider, then also under the designation GA1 – GA3 (basic endurance 1 – 3). GA 1 corresponds to the slow endurance run, GA2 to the medium endurance run and GA3 to the rapid endurance run.

The following heart rate ranges are defined for this purpose:

  • Define goalsThe slow endurance run (LDL) 71 – 75% heart rate max.
  • Medium endurance run (MDL) 76 – 80% heart rate max.
  • Rapid endurance run (ZDL) 81 – 85% heart rate max.

The most important thing in deciding how to proceed now is a good definition of your goals. Sit down and think about what kind of goal is realistic for you. Get your good old buddy SMART for these considerations. Because every goal you set yourself should be smart:

  • S = Specific
  • M = Measurable
  • A = Achievable
  • R = Realistic
  • T = Time framed

In this way, you can quickly determine whether the goal you have set yourself can realistically be achieved.

Use training variants

Only run, 3 times a week, at a comfortable pace. That won’t get you anywhere. Sometimes you have to leave your comfort zone and run faster. For you as a beginner, there is nothing better than a driving game.

All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.

So become a gamer once a week.

Run in at the usual slow pace. Then look for a fixed point on your running route: the tree back there, the park bench, the next crossroads and so on. And then step on the gas. Calmly climb into the sprint until you have reached your goal. Then slow down again and continue running slowly until your breath has completely calmed down. You then do the whole thing at least five times. At the end, run slowly for another 10 minutes and an effective training session is over.

Special forms of training

As soon as you can run the 30-40 minutes in a row, bring even more variety into your running life.

Run ABC fit very well into the warm-up program. Just do 10 minutes of running ABC exercises, preferably 1-2 times a week.First, you should run ABC learn . As with learning to read and write, the ABC is the basis for everything else. With the ABC run, you train a running style that is easy on your strength and joints. This will help you to run injury-free and develop your running style.

You should always do strength exercises for runners. You will need more than strong legs to run consistently. Your core also needs to be trained. Your upper body is also neglected when you run. You can also do strength exercises twice a week, so you don’t need a lot of time for.

Or you take your running track and convert it to a fitness studio. There the park bench for sit-ups, the climbing frame at the playground can also be used for pull-ups, the curb for your calf training and so on. This brings fun and variety to your running training.

Don’t forget alternative training

Every now and then you should leave your running shoes in the closet and resort to an alternative endurance sport. This trains other muscle groups, which in turn makes you less prone to injury. For example, you can: cycling, inline skating, hiking, swimming or increase your endurance with bodyweight training.


In this article you learned how running training works for beginners.

Neither becoming a runner nor remaining a runner is difficult.

Just start with running training for beginners and slowly build up. Give your body time to get used to the new movement.

Stay tuned after the 12 weeks and continue to develop your training.

Use the driving game and running ABC to set further training stimuli and to bring more variety to your everyday running.

Have courage and start your running training today. You will love it!

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